Is your data plan WFH-ready?

How Much Data Do You Need to WFH?

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The Essentials

Emails don't use much  and only use around 0.1 MB, but attachments can go up to 5 MB and that can add up VERY quickly. Will your data plan handle that?

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Video Calls

Zoom can eat up to 3GB/hr.  Could you save data with lower settings?

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Background Tunes

Spotify uses around 150 MB/hr.  Is your playlist draining your data?

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Cloud Storage

Syncing to the cloud? It varies by file size, but can eat up a lot of data. Do you know how much are you REALLY using?

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Software updates can use several GBs.  Did you account for these?

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Ready to see more about how many GB you really need to WFH?

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