
How Remote Work Has Evolved & Why Working From Home Is The Future

By Rob Orr / Last updated: Jul 2, 2023

What Does “WFH” Stand For?

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular as companies realize that having employees who work from home makes them happier and more productive.

We’ve seen a rise in remote-first companies, and an increase in the number of people working from home. At the same time, we’re seeing more and more businesses embracing remote work as a way to attract and retain talent.

Looking to the future, it’s clear that remote work is here to stay. With the right policies and infrastructure in place, there’s no reason why businesses can’t continue to thrive even as their employees work from all corners of the globe.

What remains to be seen is how exactly remote work will evolve in the years ahead. Will we see more companies going fully remote? Will employees start moving around less, as they take advantage of digital nomad lifestyle?

In this article, we’ll look at why remote work is growing in popularity, and how it will continue to evolve over the next few years. We’ll also talk about the pros and cons of working remotely, and how to make sure you are in the right position to succeed in the future.

Real quick, before we get too far into it here, if you want to get more great ideas for your gaming room or home office and want to connect with other home office hackers to make your space the best join my free private Facebook group,Home Office Hacks here.

How has remote work evolved?

How has remote work evolved?

Remote work has evolved into something that will be part of the norm going forward. For example, there may be more remote employees that outnumber office employees. This can be due to some of the following reasons:

  • Close to family: The truth is that there are many employees that want to be close to family. So close that they’d rather work from home even if they have young children there as well. They can take care of their needs whenever possible. When working from an office space, this could mean leaving work to tend to them in cases of emergency.
  • People rely on mobile devices: The truth is, they are not just for communicating or surfing the web any more. They can be used to email and attend meetings using specific apps. Plus, they take their devices on the go. This may be one of the tools you may need working remote compared to being in a physical office.
  • Remote teams meetings over board room meetings: Teams can meet whenever and wherever their schedules allow it. No one has to meet in a single room. One person could be at home while another will be in their hotel room. The meeting rooms have become virtual and teams can collaborate and share using collaboration tools that can help get the projects done faster.
  • Flexible workplaces: You can work from home or the office if you’re in a hybrid setting. At this point, more companies may be exercising this option. If it’s feasible in terms of finances and resources, this can be a possibility. It will allow office employees to determine where they want to work and when throughout the week.
  • It was inevitable: Yes, the time for remote work was coming sooner or later. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that sped things up. Things were left unfinished and untested. So the model in its current state ended up being a ‘test as you go’ process. Along the way, the virtual workplace began to take shape into something more. This allowed employees that didn’t have internet access at home to have it set up while the companies were willing to cover the internet costs.

Is remote work good for employees?

Is remote work good for employees?

Yes and no. It’s good for a majority of the employees because of the many benefits a remote workplace can provided. For example, they can have increased productivity which can be blunted due to plenty of stress. This can be stemmed from the commute, water cooler gossip, and so much more.

At the same time, it might not be good for someone that might have poor time management skills. Or it might not be good for something that loves being in the office all day long. Regardless of what your job duties are, remote work can be good for someone if they so choose.

As long as it keeps their continued success going, then it’s up to people deciding which work setup is best for them. They can work in a coffee shop or in a cubicle. Whatever is comfortable to them, they’ll call it ‘their office’.

Is remote working effective?

Is remote working effective?

Not so long ago, the idea of working remotely was something that was seen as far-fetched and unrealistic.

After all, how could anyone be expected to be productive outside of a traditional office setting?

But times have changed, and remote work is now a reality for many companies and the people who staff them.

And while there are still some challenges associated with remote work, there’s no doubt that it can be just as effective and just as productive – if not more so – than working in a traditional office.

In fact, studies have shown that people who work from home are actually more productive than those who work in an office. As the world continues to change, it’s likely that more and more people will start to work remotely.

What are the pros and cons of remote working?

What are the pros and cons of remote working?

One major downside for remote work could be the lack of personal connections. It may be easy to do in an office setting. But when people are working remote, that physical distance may be felt.

Plus, talking through a screen may not seem like a good substitute for some people. But it may be what it may be given the circumstances. There may be those with a distrust for technology because of the potential security concerns that may arise.

The future for security is looking brighter. With more people using apps, cybersecurity experts are working around the clock to improve the network security of people working remote and also at the office. They are staying ahead of the threats that are being committed by hackers and cyber bad guys every where.

The security framework will vary from application by application. That’s why it is important that you decide on which apps will be the best for you and remote workers.

Another setback may be dial up internet. People in some parts of the world still use it to this day. However, it’s a small minority compared to the rest of the world that uses higher speed internet. This may be a rare issue, but this can happen.

Focusing now on the pros, remote working can be rewarding for many people. They can have increased productivity without having to deal with the distractions of a traditional office. There is also increased employee satisfaction as well.

When people are allowed the flexibility to work when they want and where, they will be even happier. This should be something human resources should take note of whenever they are focusing on new hires. If there is employee trust that exist, an employer will grant them the ability to work remotely provided they follow the rules and get the work done on a regular basis.

A remote working policy will be in place and may have similarities compared to what office workers must follow. If you decide to work in a physical space one day like the office, the policies will likely be the same.

Another pro you’ll like is the number of helpful technologies that are available whenever you need them. You may be familiar with them prior to being hired (which will help you stand out in the talent pool). For example, if you are proficient in tools like Microsoft Word or Google Workspace, you can make it clear that you are looking for someone who is familiar with it.

If you are a design company hiring graphic designers, emphasize how someone with strong Photoshop skills is recommended by not required. You will hire someone that knows their stuff about a certain software that you want your employees to use.

Full-time employees can work remote and they can still work 40 hours while they are home with the kids.

What is the future of remote work?

What is the future of remote work?

When it comes to work, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. For some people, the traditional office setting is the best place to be productive. Others find that working from home suits them better. And then there are those who prefer a more flexible arrangement, where they can mix and match office and remote days as needed.

The rise of remote work was initially forced on us because of the global pandemic but it has been powered by timely advances in technology, which have made it easier for people to stay connected no matter where they are.

What’s more, there’s a growing recognition that employees are more productive when they’re given the opportunity to work in a way that suits them best. As a result, we’re seeing more and more companies embracing remote work as a way to attract and retain talent.

Looking to the future, it’s clear that remote work is here to stay. With the right policies and infrastructure in place, there’s no reason why businesses can’t continue to thrive even as their employees work from all corners of the globe.

And that’s supported by the research. Harvard business school professor Prithwiraj Choudhury, a Harvard Business School who’s become an expert on remote work has pointed out that 10 years from now, “remote work” will just be called “work” because it’s so ingrained into the fabric of our lives and economy now.

Businesses were (mostly) pleasantly surprised by how effective they continued to be during the quarantine period. They’ve learned that it’s not only a win for their organizations, but a win for their employees too.

Remote working is here to stay. It’s going to be more important than ever before.

Next Steps

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Rob Orr

Rob is a graduate of Florida State University and the founder and Senior Editor of HomeOfficeHacks.com, a website dedicated to helping people navigate the unique challenges of working from home. As a remote working veteran with over 10 years of experience, Rob has developed a deep understanding of the strategies and solutions that can help people thrive in this environment. He is a respected expert in the field, renowned for his clear, engaging, and informative content. An award-winning web designer, developer, and digital marketer, Rob is also the owner of a digital media company that publishes a variety of web properties. His dedication, resourcefulness, and creativity have earned him a reputation as a respected leader in the remote work and digital media communities, inspiring others through his work and passion for lifelong learning.

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