
How to List & Describe Your Remote Work Skills for a Show-Stopping Resume

By Rob Orr / Last updated: Jul 7, 2023


Attention, job seekers! Are you eyeing those work-from-home jobs, but unsure how to tailor your resume to impress hiring managers? Fret not, we’ve got the good news for you. This guide will help you navigate the best way to present your skills and experiences. In no time, you’ll be creating the perfect bullet point list under the “remote setting experience” section of your resume.

But what about your resume summary?

Is it necessary to mention your time zone when applying for work-from-home jobs?

How should you list your skills to resonate with your prospective employer’s needs?

And where should you mention your adept handling of a remote work environment on a daily basis?

Well, hold onto your seat, because we’re about to unravel these secrets. We’ll show you how to mold your professional experience, list of skills, and past successes into a resume that remote companies can’t ignore. It’s time to transform your job seeking journey into a successful remote employee’s story.

  1. Highlight Your Remote Work Experience: Describe your remote work experience in the professional experience section of your resume. Make sure to highlight key responsibilities, achievements, and relevant skills learned or improved during your remote work.
  2. Be Specific About Your Role and Skills: Provide details about your previous roles and how you excelled in a remote work environment. Showcase your proficiency in time-management, communication, and digital tools necessary for remote work.
  3. Include Time Zone and Remote Work Setting: Mention your time zone if it’s beneficial for the position you’re applying for. Also, consider mentioning your dedicated home office setting, if any.
  4. Quantify Your Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your remote work achievements to give a concrete picture of your capabilities. For instance, you can list how you improved productivity or led a team to meet project deadlines consistently.
  5. Utilize a Resume Summary: A resume summary can effectively communicate your experiences and skills in a concise manner. This is a good place to highlight your capabilities as a successful remote employee.
  6. Tailor Your Skills Section: Update the skills section of your resume to reflect the specific requirements of the remote job you’re applying for. This could include a mix of hard and soft skills.
  7. Adapt Your Resume for Each Application: Tailor your resume to align with the job ad for each specific remote role you’re applying for. This helps show you’re a good fit for that particular role and the company’s culture.

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Understanding the Basics of a Remote Work Resume

You already know that a top-notch resume is crucial for landing that dream job. But have you ever wondered how to tailor it for remote positions? That’s where the art of crafting a remote work resume comes in. In this section, we’ll guide you through the primary differences between a standard resume and a remote work resume, as well as explaining key components. So grab your favorite beverage and let’s get started!

The Primary Differences Between a Standard Resume and a Remote Work Resume

So, what sets a remote work resume apart from a regular resume? In a word: focus. While a traditional resume emphasizes your overall work history and achievements, a remote work resume highlights your remote work skills and experiences specific to the remote role you’re applying for.

Firstly, adjust your job title to clearly reflect the remote position. For example, instead of “Graphic Designer,” use “Remote Graphic Designer” or “Freelance Graphic Designer.”

Secondly, be sure to mention if a previous position was remote. You can do this by adding “(Remote)” next to the job title or specifying it in the job description.

Lastly, showcase your remote work experience in your work experience section. You’ll want to emphasize any demonstrable remote work skills, such as communication, time management, and technical abilities.

Explanation of Key Components

In your remote work resume, it’s essential to include the following components:

  1. Remote work experience: Even if you don’t have years of experience, mention any freelance, contract, or volunteering projects you’ve done remotely. Trust me, as someone who has landed remote gigs without years of experience, these projects can still make a significant impact!
  2. Remote work skills: Dedicate a separate section to skills that are specifically relevant to remote roles, like proficiency in certain tools (e.g., Zoom, Slack, or Google Suite).
  3. Availability: If you’ve successfully juggled different time zones or have a flexible schedule, mention this in your resume. It shows potential employers that you’re adaptable and can handle the challenges of remote work.
  4. Cover letter: Your cover letter is the perfect opportunity to explain why you’re an excellent remote worker. Share personal anecdotes (like how you successfully managed a project remotely) and highlight relevant skills (e.g., self-motivation, adaptability, excellent communication, and so on).

Remember to keep things concise, yet informative. Potential employers should be able to quickly scan your resume and understand why you’re the best fit for their remote role. With these tips in hand, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a remote work resume that sets you apart in the competitive job market. Happy job hunting!

Highlighting Your Remote Work Experience

You’ve just landed on the perfect job opportunity, but there’s a caveat: they’re looking for someone with remote work experience. Don’t worry, you’ve got this! In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of remote work experience, how to present it effectively, and provide examples to make your resume shine.

The Remote Work Experience Revolution

Why is remote work experience so crucial nowadays? Remote work has become increasingly popular, and showcasing your ability to thrive in a virtual environment can make you stand out to potential employers. In fact, remote experience is not just a bonus; for many remote employers, it’s a requirement. So, let’s dive into the art of presenting your previous remote work experience in the best light possible.

Sell Your Remote Work Skills Like a Pro

When it comes to a remote job resume, it’s all about communicating the right skills. Start by focusing on your work history and think about the projects you excelled at while working remotely.

Here’s a tip: use the job posting as a guide. Align your past relevant experience with the skills listed in the posting to create a strong connection between your abilities and what the employer is looking for. Don’t forget to use bullet points to highlight your most significant achievements and bold text to emphasize essential keywords.

Remote Work Resume Goldmine: Examples

It’s time to showcase your remote experience with concrete examples. Instead of merely stating that you’ve worked remotely, provide context and results. For instance:

  • Managed a team of 5 people across three different time zones, resulting in a 20% increase in project efficiency.
  • Developed a new client onboarding process via video conferences, resulting in a 35% reduction in onboarding time.

Include in your resume personal anecdotes, like “In my experience” or “I found that implementing daily virtual check-ins with my team increased productivity by 15%.”. Those extra details can make all the difference in showing a potential employer that you’re not just competent, but exceptional at remote work.

And there you have it! Highlighting your remote work experience on your resume can take your job hunt to the next level. Remember: be confident, be honest, and showcase those remote work skills like the superstar you are. Happy job hunting!

Showcasing Remote Work Skills

In a world where remote work is becoming more common, it’s crucial to know how to showcase those skills on a resume. If you don’t, you might miss out on some great opportunities. In this section, we’ll dive into Differentiating Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills, Listing Skills on a Remote Work Resume, Effectively Demonstrating Skills, and Examples.

Differentiating Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills

When describing your remote work skills, it’s important to differentiate between hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are technical abilities and specific skills tied to your job, such as proficiency in programming languages, data analysis, or project management. On the other hand, soft skills are more about your personal traits and how you manage relationships: time management, communication, teamwork, and adaptability are key examples.

In my experience, hiring managers appreciate the distinction between these two types of skills. So, as you create your remote work resume, remember to emphasize both hard and soft skills to showcase your well-roundedness.

Listing Skills on a Remote Work Resume

Now that you know the difference between hard and soft skills, it’s time to list your remote work skills on your resume. Format them in bullet points under a dedicated “Remote Work Skills” or “Key Skills” section. Make sure to include any technical, software, or hardware skills specific to remote work, as they demonstrate your readiness to excel in a remote environment.

Don’t forget the necessary soft skills that contribute to effective remote work, such as time management, self-motivation, and communication. These important skills will show hiring managers that you have the right mindset and work habits for remote work success.

Effectively Demonstrating Skills

While listing your skills is important, demonstrating how you applied them in real-life situations is even more powerful. Use your resume’s work experience section to convey those instances and highlight tangible results. For example, mention a project where you managed your time effectively to meet deadlines and collaborate with teammates across different time zones.

Incorporate metrics and numbers whenever possible: “Improved project completion rate by 20% through proactive task management.” These quantifiable achievements will speak volumes about your remote work capabilities.


To give you a better idea, here are some examples of how to describe remote work skills on your resume:

  • Hard Skills: Proficient in Zoom, Slack, and Trello for remote team collaboration; experienced in using a VPN for secure remote access.
  • Soft Skills: Excellent time management, enabling the completion of projects ahead of schedule; adaptable, ensuring seamless transitions between remote and in-office work.

In conclusion, showcasing your remote work skills on your resume is vital in a competitive job market. Differentiating between hard and soft skills, appropriately listing them, and demonstrating how you’ve applied these skills in the real world will set you apart and position you as an ideal remote work candidate. Good luck on your job search!

Crafting a Compelling Professional Summary

You know remote work skills are a hot commodity, but how do you ensure your resume catches recruiters’ attention? Your professional summary is the perfect opportunity to do just that. In this section, we’ll cover the importance of a strong professional summary, tips for crafting an engaging and relevant remote work summary, and some examples to get you started on the path to landing that coveted remote job.

The Importance of a Strong Professional Summary

The professional summary, which sits at the top of your resume, is like a movie trailer. It gives recruiters a sneak peek into your remote work capabilities and encourages them to keep reading. A strong professional summary immediately showcases your key traits and skill set, maximizing the impact of your qualifications and making you stand out as a top candidate for remote work opportunities.

Tips for Engaging and Relevant Remote Work Summary

Let’s make sure your professional summary works overtime for you. Here are some tips:

  1. Use powerful language: Your choice of words is crucial. Use action verbs and remote work buzzwords (like collaboration, project management, and self-motivation) to immediately capture the attention of recruiters.
  2. Showcase transferable skills: Transferable skills, such as problem-solving, time management, and written communication, are relevant for most remote job listings. Make sure they shine in your summary.
  3. Quantify your accomplishments: Mention specific achievements to illustrate your remote work experience. For example, “Managed a team of six remote professionals, resulting in a 20% increase in company productivity.”
  4. Keep it brief and focused: Remember, your professional summary is a teaser, not a novel. Keep it concise (about 3-5 sentences) and tailor it to your target job.


Now that you’ve got the tips, let’s look at some examples to get your creative juices flowing:

Example 1: Web developer with five years of remote experience and a strong track record of success, including a 30% increase in sales for a major e-commerce site. Proficient in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, with exceptional communication and time management skills.

Example 2: Results-driven marketing strategist with a passion for remote work; managed a cross-functional team of 10, increasing brand awareness by 15% in just six months. Adept at balancing multiple projects and deadlines while maintaining a positive, team-focused attitude.

In my experience, writing a compelling professional summary can set the tone for the rest of your resume and distinguish you among a sea of applicants. Show off your remote work skills, transferable abilities, and relevant experiences. It might just be the ticket to landing your dream remote job.

Navigating Remote Job Applications

Remote work has skyrocketed in recent years, and so has the demand for job seekers adept at remote work. In this section, we’ll explore the challenges faced during remote job applications, and provide strategies to overcome them to increase your chances of landing that dream remote job. From crafting the perfect cover letter to acing the remote job interview, we’ve got you covered.

Challenges Faced During Remote Job Applications

Navigating remote job applications can be a bit like venturing into uncharted territory. The process can be riddled with obstacles such as:

  • Eye-catching job titles: With more and more businesses embracing remote work, it’s no surprise that job postings often use creative job titles to stand out from the crowd. Deciphering these titles and matching them to your skills is crucial.
  • Finding remote job postings: Remote job search can be tedious; not every job board or company website clearly labels remote positions.
  • Showing remote work aptitude: It’s important to demonstrate your remote work experience and skills in your job application, which might differ from listing typical in-office achievements.
  • Competing in a global market: Remote job applications open you up to a global talent pool, making competition for roles even fiercer than local job markets.

Strategies to Overcome Challenges and Increase Success

Fear not, intrepid job seeker! With the right approach, you can tackle these challenges head-on and increase your chances of success. Here are some tips to help you navigate the remote job application terrain:

  • Craft a tailored cover letter: The cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression. Tailor it to each specific job posting, highlighting your remote work experience and how it aligns with the job requirements.
  • Use dedicated remote job search platforms: Websites like Remote.co and FlexJobs focus solely on remote job postings, making it easier for you to find relevant job opportunities without sifting through hundreds of irrelevant listings.
  • Hone your remote work skills: When completing your job application or attending a job interview, emphasize your remote work skills, such as time management, communication, and self-motivation. These skills are highly valued in remote positions.
  • Build a strong online presence: A well-rounded online presence (portfolio, LinkedIn profile, etc) showcasing your work and skills can give you an edge in the competitive global market. Remember, in the remote job world, your online footprint often speaks louder than your resume.

In my experience, persistence and adaptability are key in the remote job hunt. By leveraging these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to finding and securing your ideal remote job. Good luck on your journey!

Communication and Collaboration in a Remote Environment

Working remotely can be fantastic (goodbye, morning commute!), but it also comes with its own set of challenges—specifically, communication and collaboration. In this section, we’ll dive into why effective communication and collaboration skills are critical in a remote environment and, most importantly, how to showcase these skills like a pro on your resume.

The Importance of Effective Communication and Collaboration Skills

Let’s face it, working well with others is crucial in any job—but when you’re part of a remote team, it becomes even more important. Why? Because miscommunication can lead to decreased productivity and misunderstandings, which is the last thing you want when you’re not physically present to clear up any confusion.

For remote teams, effective communication is vital in maintaining day-to-day operations and keeping everyone on the same page. Utilizing digital platforms such as Google Hangouts, video calls, phone calls, or simply email can bridge the gap caused by geographical distance. You don’t have to be a master orator, but demonstrating your ability to efficiently convey information and collaborate in a remote environment is invaluable to potential employers.

Also, remember, communication goes both ways. You should not only be able to express your thoughts clearly but also be a good listener—taking into account other team members’ input and adapting accordingly.

How to Showcase These Skills on Your Resume

Now, let’s get down to business—your resume. How do you demonstrate that you’re a remote work rockstar who knows their way around Google Hangouts and team collaboration? Here are a few tips to make your resume stand out:

  • Highlight your experience working in remote teams. In your work experience section, don’t just list your job titles and responsibilities. Be sure to emphasize any roles where you’ve worked remotely or collaborated with others from afar (even if it was just for a few weeks during a pandemic!).
  • Showcase specific communication skills. Have you chaired virtual meetings? Organized a successful group project over Slack? Mention these experiences to paint a picture of your remote communication prowess. In my experience, specifying the digital platforms you’ve used (e.g., Google Hangouts, Zoom, Trello) can also give potential employers a better understanding of your familiarity with remote work tools.
  • Quantify your success. If you have examples of how your smooth communication style led to measurable positive outcomes, flaunt it! For instance, “Implemented a weekly Google Hangouts check-in that increased team productivity by 15%.” Let the numbers speak for you.
  • Sprinkle in some keywords. No, we’re not talking about buzzwords (step away from the “synergy”). Be on the lookout for specific skills mentioned in remote job postings, and don’t hesitate to incorporate those terms into your resume when applicable.

To sum it up, working remotely requires top-notch communication and collaboration skills, and your resume should reflect that. By showcasing your abilities in these areas and highlighting your experience with remote teams and digital platforms, you’ll be well on your way to securing that dream remote job. Happy job hunting!

Frequently Asked Questions

What skills should I emphasize for a remote work resume?

You might be wondering what skills are essential to showcase on a resume for remote work. The primary focus should be on your ability to work independently, your communication skills, and your time management. Don’t forget to mention any experience with collaboration tools like Zoom or Slack and proficiency in cloud-based services (seriously, in my experience, those skills can be a game-changer!). Break up your skills section into “Remote Work Skills” and “Technical Skills” for clarity.

How can I craft a resume objective for remote jobs?

Forget about generic objectives that could be applied to any job; it’s time to get personal and show employers you’re the real deal. Craft an attention-grabbing objective that highlights your motivation for remote work and your competence in thriving in an autonomous environment (cue the psychological hook). Make sure to add your relevant remote skills and tailor each objective to the specific remote job you are applying for. Trust me; it’s worth the effort!

What are the key remote work-related keywords to include on my resume?

Feeling stuck about what remote work keywords will stand out? Bucket brigade, here I come! Include terms like “remote work experience,” “virtual collaboration,” “time management,” “self-starter,” “cloud-based tools,” and “distributed team.” Sprinkle these keywords throughout your resume, and make sure they naturally fit within the context. This will not only cater to the applicant tracking systems (ATS) but also signal to potential employers that you are a skilled remote worker.

How can I showcase remote work experience if I have none?

Fear not! Even if you don’t have direct remote work experience, you can still highlight your remote-friendly skills. Begin by identifying projects or tasks you have completed independently in previous roles (I found that even small projects can count!). Emphasize any flexibility you demonstrated, like working from different locations or adjusting to a switch in roles. Don’t forget to mention your strong communication and problem-solving abilities; they will surely catch an employer’s eye.

What are some examples of remote work experience to include on the resume?

If you have some remote work experience under your belt, make sure to showcase it prominently. You can either incorporate this into your usual work history or create a separate “Remote Work Experience” section. Include job titles, company names, relevant tasks, and your accomplishments. Remember to demonstrate how you used your remote work skills to excel in these roles (e.g., “Managed a virtual team of five and increased productivity by 20%”).

Are there any specific remote work resume templates to use?

Ready to spruce up your resume and make it remote-work friendly? Start by choosing a clean and straightforward template that highlights your remote work skills and experience. Many online resources offer remote work-specific resume templates (did you ever think you would have options like this?). Try searching for “remote work resume template” to find one that suits your style and personality. Ultimately, it’s all about making sure potential employers can easily identify your remote skills and accomplishments.

Next Steps

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Rob Orr

Rob is a graduate of Florida State University and the founder and Senior Editor of HomeOfficeHacks.com, a website dedicated to helping people navigate the unique challenges of working from home. As a remote working veteran with over 10 years of experience, Rob has developed a deep understanding of the strategies and solutions that can help people thrive in this environment. He is a respected expert in the field, renowned for his clear, engaging, and informative content. An award-winning web designer, developer, and digital marketer, Rob is also the owner of a digital media company that publishes a variety of web properties. His dedication, resourcefulness, and creativity have earned him a reputation as a respected leader in the remote work and digital media communities, inspiring others through his work and passion for lifelong learning.

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